Meet Joel, just 24 hours fresh! Joel was born on Saturday, May 21st at St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital in Effingham, IL. Gina contacted me Friday night asking if I would take newborn pictures when their baby arrived. She told me he was due June 11, so it was still a little bit away. I was so surprised when she messaged me back on Saturday with a picture of her holding her baby boy! I'm so glad I was able to stop by the hospital on Sunday to snap a few pictures of Joel before I do his newborn session next week. Enjoy one of the world's newest faces!

Joel's eyelashes are so long- making me jealous! I love all his little features.

And last but not least, the many faces of Joel! I realized after putting this collage together that many of his faces are yawns. Must be hard work coming into the world <3

Welcome to the world, Joel! You are loved by so many already. Check back next week for his newborn shoot.
