I had so much fun last week hanging out with this Bower family! Although I have to admit that I called their son, James, by his cousin Patrick's name for the first 15 minutes of the session. Oops! Luckily, they didn't hold it against me and we went on to take some beautiful pictures. We started at the sunflower patch, and that sun caused some extreme haze on our pictures there. We definitely didn't time things right since the flowers were already pointing back towards the ground by the time we got out there, but I think the pictures still turned out great!

Oh my heart swoons for pictures like the ones below. I strive to capture natural moments in a family during each of my sessions and I love this moment that I captured here. 

I've never edited out so many flies, hover flies to be exact, from my pictures! They were bad that night. But I bet you can't tell from James' smile below. 

We headed down to the dock for a few quick pictures before the sun got too low. Sam Parr State Park was the perfect location for this family session. 
