It was the perfect morning for first birthday pictures for this perfectly adorable little girl. Emmy's mom had excellent ideas, and provided almost all of the props- which were incredibly made and thought out. I still can't believe Emmy is already one! Enjoy some (ok a lot) of my favorites.

Seriously, I think this kid could be a baby model. So photogenic!

I was glad I got to bring out my lace teepee for another session. Emmy loved it, which is evident in the pictures I took of her trying to tear it down (which I sadly didn't include here ha!).

A quick outfit change, beautiful flowers in mason jars hanging from a tree, and we were transported to a magical place. Emmy was about over pictures at this point, but she sat still for a few more.

And then it was cake time! We tried hanging the banner on the bricks, but our tape kept falling down, so we settled for the ground instead. But, I think I like it on the ground even better! Emmy loved digging into the cake, and she was concentrated on that task that she wouldn't even crack us a smile. That cake must have been yummy (because it sure was beautiful)!

Happy Happy Birthday Emmy! We love you!
