Keely contacted me last Thursday asking if I could take Gunner's six month pictures, and of course I said yes! We ended up doing them that night-talk about getting things done quickly. I was so excited to meet Gunner. I've seen many pictures of him on Facebook, but hadn't got to meet him yet. And let me just say that he is even more handsome, and those eyes are even more blue, in person. Keely had some adorable ideas lined up for the pictures, which made my job so easy. 

Even though these pictures were for Gunner's six months, we had to sneak in some family pictures too. Aren't his little camo overalls the cutest?

And then we took pictures of Gunner. That smile, those eyes. This little guy is gonna be heartbreaker when he grows up, that's for sure!

Like I said before, Keely had some great ideas for this shoot. I loved the rubber duckie/bathtime idea. All she needed was a galvanized tub, which I just happened to have! 

Happy six months Gunner!

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