We started the session with some of Joel and the new mom and dad. It was so much fun seeing how in love they are with their baby boy. I know that Joel has a life full of fun, love, and little bit of craziness ahead of him. So, let's meet this handsome little man!

Next we had Joel wrapped up nice and snug. As you can tell from the above pictures, his room has a Cardinals theme (Go Cards!), so I brought this red blanket and blue wrap to match his room. 

After that first set up, we thought we would get some of Joel without anything on. Joel, however, had different ideas. He did not like being naked, and quickly woke up. I'm learning that improvisation is a big part of newborn photography as babies don't always do what we want them to. So we put Joel back in a diaper and used a wrap to cover up his feet. He finally fell back asleep, but not before a few adorable yawns. 

When talking to Gina about any ideas she had or things she liked, she had mentioned that she had an old scale, but would need something to put Joel in since it had a small top. I got all giddy inside when I thought about the scale my mom and I bought last fall at a garage sale. It was absolutely perfect, especially with the old blocks that Gina had. 

Once Joel was finally in his deep sleep, we took advantage of it and kept him wrapped nice and tight to get some pictures with this Cardinals hat a friend made them. 

Welcome to the world Joel!
