A few weeks ago I got to meet my newest second cousin, Grace. And boy was she a doll! Just 5 days new and already completely adorable and loved. We started the session with some family pictures. Look at this brand new family of four!

Then it was time for the beanbag. Grace woke up while we were changing her outfit, but I can't complain when I get a gorgeous open eyed shot. She also hated being naked, so she was wrapped up the entire session. 

Once she was finally in a deep sleep again, I knew that I wanted to try a new pose. You might not be able to tell, but Grace is actually sitting upright on the beanbag. But don't worry, mommy's hands were always there supporting Grace's body and head and multiple images were combined to make this one. 

Mom had this cute tutu and bow to put Grace in. It was a challenge since she didn't like not having clothes on, but we managed to get her calmed down enough to snap a few pictures.  

I loved this last set up. The doily is a family heirloom, so it was really neat to see it used in her photos. 

I can't wait to watch you grow up, Grace!
