I'd like you to meet Owen! Now Owen isn't just a typical client of mine, he's a little extra special. Why, you might ask? Because he was born on my daughter Madison's first birthday, March 8th. In case you don't know me personally, my husband and I said goodbye to our daughter last March after she was stillborn due to a fatal birth defect, anencephaly. When Danielle was talking to me about taking Owen's pictures, I knew that his birthday would be close to Madison's. I didn't know that it would fall on the same day! Owen, you'll always hold a special place in my momma heart. 

But back to the Ochs family, aren't the just the cutest? Big brother Rhett loved baby Owen (most of the time) and mom and dad already look like pros with two kids. It might have taken Owen literally forever to finally fall asleep, but I loved what we were able to capture of him in this most special phase of his life. Welcome to the world Owen!
