Oh Auggie boy. This boy has held a special place in my heart since before he was born. I have so enjoyed watching him grow from a newborn into the most handsome little man. His momma has let me love him like my own son, and for that I am forever grateful. It's so hard to believe that he will be turning ONE! 

So when Ashley asked me if I would take his first birthday pictures, I was so excited. That excitement only grew when she said she wanted them done on a baseball field. After a week of cold rainy weather, we were blessed with sunshine the night of our shoot. It was so hard to stop taking photos of August, especially when he wouldn't stop smiling! 

He was such a ham! He absolutely loved the dirt, and in fact ate more dirt than Ashley probably wants to believe. A little dirt never hurt anyone though, right?

That glove and bat are his daddy's. Even the field we shot at had a special meaning- his dad played there in high school. I love adding special mementos like these into my shoots. 

Oh that hat! He really didn't do too bad with it, but from the looks of that bottom right picture, I think he was over us taking his pictures long before we were done. 

No Jansen photo shoot would be complete without including Aug's big sister Emery! If you can't tell, Em loves the camera. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that that is her mom's fault. But can you blame her? I wouldn't want to miss anything she did either! And when it comes to not missing something, I would definitely not want to miss the bond that these two share right now. It is so evident how much August looks up to Emery, and how much Emery just adores her baby Auggie. 

And finally some pictures of just Em by herself, looking so cute in her baseball tee. 

After all these pictures, I'm looking forward to celebrating August's birthday next month. Happy Birthday, Auggie!
