Unfortunate circumstances allowed Kaci, Jason, and Orie to come home last weekend. While they were home, Kaci asked if I would snap some pictures of Orie for her six month milestone. Orie made us work really, really hard for her smiles. But I think you'll agree that when she allows a smile to crack through, it's the cutest thing you've seen! 

We started our session at the west boat docks of Newton Lake. This shaded little area was the perfect place to throw down a quilt and let Orie do her thing.

I saw these beautiful white flowers and knew I wanted to use them as a backdrop. Problem was, the first place I picked was covered in poison ivy. Good thing Jason stopped me before we put Orie near it! Luckily there were more flowers that didn't have poison ivy lingering around. I loved this set up!

We moved locations a little bit and after a quick outfit change, Orie was ready for pictures with mom and dad!

And of course we had to get some of the family, too. Happy six months, Orie. I've loved watching you grow up!
