Michelle contacted me right after Archer was born wondering if I would be able to fit in newborn pictures of her son. Even though Archer did not want to sleep no matter what we tried (except for approximately 15 minutes), I'm so glad I was able to meet him and his mom and dad. 

We started with family pictures first, and these just make my heart melt. You can feel the love Michelle and Aaron have for their son.  

Archer did eventually give in to sleep for about 15-20 minutes, so we took full advantage of his sleep to get some adorable shots of him. Look at that smile, and dimple!

And of course I had to get some close-ups of his little features!

Before Archer woke up, we were able to take his wrap off and take a few of him all natural. 

Michelle had this little blanket that had his name all over it, so of course we had to get pictures of Archer on it!

She also wanted a few pictures in this little crochet crown. We found that wrapping him up helped him go back to sleep for a few more minutes. 

Welcome to the world, Archer! And congratulations Aaron and Michelle on such a handsome little boy!
